Landsendt Wedding Photographer – Jon & Christine

Both Jon & Christine are from the UK and have fallen in love with our beautiful country and in particular West Auckland and the bush and beaches. So along with their kiwi friends present on the day there was family from both sides that traveled long and far to witness this very special day. A great opportunity to travel to our beautiful country for a stunning wedding and where better to have it than Landsendt which for those of you whom are unfamiliar with is a tropical garden wedding venue set in the heart of Oratia. It is a beautiful setting and we all met up at Landsendt and created a “first look” for Jon and Christine as they had their location photos prior to their ceremony. So we wandered around Landsendt’s grounds capturing beauty and having a great time. It was special day and I was very privileged to have had this opportunity to capture your wedding day:)

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